Thursday, November 29, 2007

The dream is over...

Well, perhaps "dream" is too strong a word. Intention, perhaps?

Anyway, did no writing this week at all so my word count to RBRI was pitifully low. I'd like to think I had some excuse for this failure, for example

* Wrote one or more other better books! (I meant to but never got near it)
* Completed my WB course (Ha!)
* Wrote and submitted lots of articles (yeah, right)
* Planned and executed loads of toy presents (Sorry, neither -Squidgey probably won't talk to me)
* Got a job (never applied)
* Did the MOS exams (Not even one)
* Tidied my room (I wish)
* Cleaned the house (never)
* Caught up on all my sleep so I won't have to have any more for months (still exhausted)

Well, I did keep up with all the imbecilic posts on Amazon ABNA! (Wow!) And answered emails...

There's always next year!


Inkpot said...

Exactly, there is always next year. 50K words in a month is a big ask.

Valpot said...

Hmmm yes, if you are touring around New Zealand!

Disappointed now, no toy pressies and a very small book output for 2007! :(

Inkpot said...

You still have plenty of time for toy pressies. Don't worry about them this year anyway. There is always next year!